Pinnawala Iperanigama

Pinnawala Iperanigama Theme Park also known as Pinnawala Ape Gama . It is located in Rambukkana. Visitors to Pinnawala Iperanigama can immerse themselves in Sri Lanka’s ancient village setting. It was built on a four-acre plot of land near the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage.

Kopi kade in pinnawala ape gama
carpernter shed in ape gama

Theme park attractions include Kammal Gedara, Govi Gedara, Wadu Gedara, Weda Gedara, Arachchige Gedara, Kopi Kade, replicas of rivers, paddy fields, and dagobas, among others. Visitors can also learn about ancient farmer lifestyles based on tanks and temples, as well as various industries in villages such as pottery and steel.

House near paddy field of a ape gama pinnawala
kitchen equipments in ape gama