Thudugala Ella Waterfall

Thudugala Ella Waterfall is in the village of Thudugala in the Dodangoda Divisional Secretariat of the Kalutara District of Sri Lanka’s Western Province. This waterfall ranks 268th out of 382 in Sri Lanka. The environment around Thudugala Falls is stunning & spanning approximately 400 hectares. This famous bathing spot is located in a garden that once belonged to Britain, and his ruined country house can still be seen there.

Though shorter than other waterfalls in Sri Lanka, such as the 263-metre-high Bambarakanda Falls, the 8-metre-high Thudugala Ella has been named one of the country’s most popular by the Lanka Council on Water Falls (CLWF).

Another interesting feature is that a tunnel runs beneath the waterfall and emerges on top of one side.

The falls are easily accessible from Colombo, Kalutara, Matugama, Horana, and even Bentota. For a long time, this was thought to be known as the Lower Falls. Because the Thudugala Falls has two levels. The ground floor is approximately 8 meters high. To get to the upper floor, you must first climb up to the lower floor. It’s possible to climb it on the rocks here. However, as the water level rises, these rocks may slip. As a result, we recommend that you take the footpath on the south side of the forest in the middle of the forest. Thudugala Falls’ upper floor is approximately 6 meters high

Traveling during the rainy season (May-September) is better than seeing her fall at full capacity. But be extra careful about slippery stones. The waterfall can be overflowing with travelers on weekends and holidays. So travel on weekdays if possible.

Thudugalla falls is situated in an estate once owned by a British person. The ruins of his house, once a grand mansion, still can be seen. There is also a natural stream pool surrounded by ferns. In the nearby forest reserve, various rare birds can be spotted. The surroundings are an ideal place if you like to do some hiking.